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Contribution of the Attorney

NCJ Number
Instantanes Criminologiques, Journal du Centre Francais de Criminologie Issue: 37-38 Dated: (1980) Pages: 33-38
M Ruffet
Date Published
6 pages
This French article recommends attitudes and approaches to attorneys dealing with female victims of violence, especially battered wives.
It characterizes violence against women as 'flagrant' assault and battery of an evidently criminal nature and 'insidious,' sexually motivated violence, including both rape and wife abuse. Regarding the latter, the attorney's involvement provides assistance not only to the individual victim, but can contribute to the development of procedures and information for dealing with this type of abuse, only recently recognized as being of concern to the law. The attorney must construct two types of reports -- a factual, static account and a descriptive, dynamic account of the complex of circumstances and interactions. Among the problems to be aware of are the victimized wives' traditional economic dependence, their frequent reluctance to press charges against abusing husbands, and the social stigma against the client's legal options, attorneys should also be knowledgeable about shelter services, social and economic assistance organizations, and psychological treatment referrals that clients may need.