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Correlates of the Megargee Criminal Classification System - A Military Correctional Setting

NCJ Number
Criminal Justice and Behavior Volume: 13 Issue: 1 Dated: (March 1986) Pages: 19-32
G D Walters
Date Published
14 pages
MMPIs were gathered from the clinical files of 404 inmates confined within a maximum security military prison and then organized according to Megargee's criminal classification system into one of ten profile patterns or an unclassified group.
In order to make cross-validation of initial results possible, the overall sample was subdivided into two equal halves (N=202 subjects each). The demographic, background, self-report, and behavioral correlates of these ten types were then derived and cross-validated. Results generally supported the validity of the Megargee system for use with military prisoners, although only the two most highly elevated patterns (i.e., Charlie and How) evidenced consistently replicable findings. (Publisher abstract)