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Cost Implications of New Standards for Adult Correctional Institutions

NCJ Number
Detention Reporter Issue: 89 Dated: (March 1991) Pages: 3-10
Date Published
8 pages
The third edition of the American Correctional Association's adult correctional institution standards contained several significant changes with regard to physical plant issues. The cost implications of some of these changes are discussed here.
The changes affect several areas ranging from format to the adoption of performance standards in lieu of static measurements. A cost analysis begins with an understanding of capital and operating costs, both of which are estimated based on design implications of the new standards. Categories of capital costs which are considered in this article include area/volume, construction, equipment and furnishings, and other initial cost elements. Cost implications are offered for several types of operating costs as well including utilities, maintenance, staffing, and other annual cost elements. The analysis indicates that the new standards provide many opportunities for reducing both types of costs. 3 tables and 1 figure


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