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Course on United Nations Criminal Justice Policy - Report of the European Course Held in Helsinki, Finland, 25 - 29 March 1985

NCJ Number
Date Published
201 pages
This report includes materials and summaries of discussions presented during the first of a series of courses on United Nations (UN) criminal justice policy, held in Helsinki, Finland, in 1985.
Presentations examined the organizational framework of international criminal policy, with particular attention to the role of the UN and the Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Branch in documenting crime control and prevention and providing technical assistance. Special UN achievements considered included a survey of crime trends, development of rules for the treatment of prisoners and the conduct of law enforcement officers, and the establishment of a crime prevention and control data base. Policy issues considered were the importance of research, the effects of urbanization and technological progress on crime, social prevention, and situational prevention. Additional topics addressed included the implications of development and change both for criminality and for criminal justice processes and perspectives. Also covered was assistance to victims of crime and the development of standards for the administration of juvenile justice. Finally, the success of the UN in the formulation and application of standards and norms in criminal justice was addressed. Presentation summaries are provided.