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Courts That Succeed: A Tour of Six Successful Courts

NCJ Number
Court Manager Volume: 7 Issue: 2 Dated: (Spring 1992) Pages: 4-8
W E Hewitt
Date Published
5 pages
The National Center for State Courts has published Courts That Succeed, a profile of six metropolitan courts that share successful histories of caseload management.
The publication was part of the Large Court Capacity Increase (LCC) Program, which consisted of two major projects, the Trial Court Performance Standards Project and the Caseflow Management Project. The project was based on the premises that court delay has a negative effect on the quality of justice, is a problem of major public importance, and is avoidable through actions courts can take within their own authority. The six courts profiled during the project were involved in national delay reduction research and in a wide range of formal and informal judicial administration activities that made their successes recognizable both in quantitative and qualitative terms. Each profile covers the court's jurisdiction, caseload, work load and resources, and organizational structure as well as its main case processing procedures. The six courts represented diverse geographical areas, different types of populations, and varying administrative circumstances. In addition to succeeding in trial expedition and timeliness, these courts achieved access to justice; equality, fairness and integrity; independence and accountability; and public trust and confidence. 2 tables, 1 figure, and 6 notes