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Crime and Development in Africa: a Case Study on Nigeria (From Essays on Crime and Development, P 135-193, 1990, Ugljesa Zvekic, ed. -- See NCJ-131440)

NCJ Number
A A Adeyemi
Date Published
59 pages
A major cause of increased criminality in Nigeria is the rapid migration from rural to urban areas and the resultant weakening of traditional social support structures.
The decline of the rural economic sector, the absolute decline of the rural population, and the extremely high urban growth rates have produced severe and structural economic deterioration which in turn has led to poverty and other forms of marginalization and alienation. To address these problems, the government has initiated a Structural Adjustment Program for the economy, a comprehensive health program, a population containment policy, and the preparation of a new constitution for the return of the country to civil rule. The educational system is also undergoing reform. All these efforts should enable the criminal justice system to become fully responsive to the evolving conditions and diversity of Nigeria. Tables and 88 reference notes