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Crime and Justice in the Himalayas

NCJ Number
CJ International Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Dated: (March-April 1988) Pages: 11-22
S S Souryal
Date Published
12 pages
After reviewing the history and culture of Nepal, this article provides an overview of the Nepalese criminal justice system, describes the crime rate, and details the organizational structure and activities of the police force.
Although crime rates in Nepal are currently among the lowest in the world, its criminal justice system is in its infancy but changing rapidly. Efforts at popularizing the criminal justice system as an institution are stymied by the remoteness of the country's villages and the people's reliance upon the extended family (clans) to resolve disputes and enforce behavioral values. The police are organized to extend their influence throughout the country. The police force operates under a community-oriented model. The advancement achieved by the police is evidenced by a modern operations command room, a mechanized patrol system in the capital, a radio network, a forensic science laboratory with a mobile lab unit, a photography lab, a fingerprints division, and a computerized application to crime statistics and crime analysis. 7 tables, 7-item bibliography.