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Crime at College: The Student Guide to Personal Safety

NCJ Number
C Ostrander; J Schwartz
Date Published
199 pages
This book provides tips and suggestions to help college students avoid criminal victimization and maximize personal safety on campus and at home.
The authors explain how to choose a safe college, how to find a safe apartment or other place to live, and survival strategies for personal safety. They also cover crime and safety issues associated with the use of alcohol and drugs, sexual assault, and sexual harassment. They rank the 20 safest and the 20 most dangerous colleges according to geographic region of the United States (Midwest, West, Northeast, and South). In addition, an alphabetical list of colleges and their crime rates is included. Appendixes contain the Campus Security Act of 1990 and information on an organization known as Safe Campuses Now, Federal drug penalties, and State drug and alcohol counseling offices.


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