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Crime in Rhode Island: 1994 Uniform Crime Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
86 pages
This Rhode Island Uniform Crime Reports for 1994 provides data on Part I index offenses, drug violations, hate crimes, missing children, domestic violence, arrests, and law enforcement officers assaulted.
The total number of Part I index crimes for 1994 was 41,045, compared to 45,019 for 1993. Part I index crimes have decreased each year from 1990 through 1994. In 1994 there were 43 murders (an increase of 2 from the previous year); 273 rapes (a slight decrease from 1993); 869 robberies (a significant decrease from 1993); and 2,567 assaults (a decrease from 1993). Burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft all decreased from the previous year. Separate sections of the report provide data on arrests, drug violations, hate crimes, missing children, and domestic violence. Offense statistics are also provided by county. Drug violations are presented by municipality for both adults and juveniles. Data on hate crimes cover type of offense, location of incident, bias motivation, victim type, and race of offender. A sample hate-crime report is included. Data on missing children address the number of cases reported, a 5-year overview, and a sample missing person report form. Data on domestic violence include the number of dispositions and a breakdown for probation and suspended sentences. Statistics on law enforcement officers assaulted address assignment type, type of activity, and type of weapon. Appended Uniform Crime Reports definitions of offenses and a directory of Rhode Island law enforcement agencies


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