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Crime Victim Compensation Legislation - A Comparative Study

NCJ Number
Victimology Volume: 5 Issue: 2-4 Dated: (1980) Pages: 401-420
R A Schmidt
Date Published
20 pages
Most State crime victim compensation legislation is based on the 1963 New Zealand and the 1964 English schemes or on statutes passed earlier by sister States. Most of the differences among statutes are not the result of policy decisions deliberately made as to preclude the drafting of a uniform act.
Most States followed England's and New Zealand's lead in establishing a crime victims' compensation board, requiring that a hearing be held, establishing eligibility criteria, etc. These schemes are generally designed to compensate crime victims, good Samaritans, and their families. There are variations in the amount and manner of award payments, residency requirements, and crimes and losses covered. Many of the differences in approach are not sufficient enough to preclude the States from adopting a uniform approach to crime victim compensation. Footnotes are included. (Author abstract modified)


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