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Criminal Justice Commission Annual Report, 1994-1995

NCJ Number
Date Published
139 pages
This report highlights the activities of the Queensland (Australia) Criminal Justice Commission in 1994-1995.
The Commission aims to reduce the incidence of public sector misconduct, foster the development of an equitable and effective criminal justice system, improve the integrity of public administration, and reduce the incidence of organized and major crime. The report describes the specific activities sponsored under the auspices of the Commission's four programs. Program 1, "Investigations," covers public administration integrity, and organized and major crime investigations. Program 2, "Police Service Reform and Criminal Justice Research and Reform," is comprised of subprograms on police service monitoring and reviews of laws and the administration of criminal justice. Program 3, "Prevention," focuses on public sector misconduct prevention, and organized and major crime prevention. Finally, Program 4 deals with the Commission's corporate management and accountability. 4 appendixes