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Criminal Justice Planning and Management Series, Volume 3 Criminal Justice Program Development Course - Text (From Criminal Justice Planning and Management Series, Volume 3, 1981 - See NCJ-79358)

NCJ Number
Date Published
189 pages
This text is designed for use in a criminal justice program development course sponsored by LEAA and taught at the Criminal Justice Training and Technical Assistance Resource Centers located at five universities.
The text's organization parallels the sequence of topics in the course's six modules. An introduction to program development focuses on the concepts of program development, the basic steps in the process, the role of the planner, skills needed, and the role of the program developer in the context of criminal justice planning. The course then delves into methods of developing an understanding of problems, with emphasis on assessing the adequacy of problem statements, setting priorities among problems, and varieties of priority-setting approaches. One section treats the development of strategic goals and covers such topics as the strategic goal statement, selecting strategic goals, and flexibility in strategic goal development. Guidance is given on developing the logic of different program strategies. Information needs in program development, obtaining and assessing information, identifying potential strategies, and preparing the strategy rationale are discussed, and planning and organizing the details of program strategies are examined. Finally, the course shows how to prepare for program implementation and evaluation. Topics addressed include program and project level implementation, integration of the program elements, communicating with implementors, resolving inconsistencies, and preparation for evaluation, management, and technical assistance. For the instructor's guide and participant guide, see NCJ 79359-60. For related courses on criminal justice planning and decisionmaking, see NCJ 79347-57 and 79362-67.