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Criminal Justice Standards and Goals for Texas - A Case Study

NCJ Number
Date Published
56 pages
This study describes the approach taken by the State of Texas to develop criminal justice standards and goals, with attention to staffing and financing, the development process, implementation plans, citizen/agency input, assessment of the process, and changes introduced by the standards and goals.
General background information on Texas and its criminal justice system precede a detailed analysis of the standards and goals process. The activities undertaken by the State in developing its standards and goals included receipt of the LEAA discretionary fund grant in May 1974, assignment of responsibility for coordinating the effort to the State Planning Agency's Corrections Program Director, formation of an executive committee, formulation and approval of a development strategy, selection of subcommittee members and assignment of staff responsibilities, scheduling of conferences, and adoption of the standards and goals and their dissemination to the public. The corrections standard will probably form the basis for a correction master plan, be used to formulate new criminal justice legislation in the State, and provide criteria for awarding future action grants. Suggestions for other States planning a strategy for standards and goals development are outlined. Tables, graphs, organizational charts, a conference agenda, and lists of program participants are included.


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