NCJ Number
Date Published
February 2017
14 pages
This supplement to the "Brief Summary Overview: Criminal Protection Orders as a Critical Strategy to Reduce Domestic Violence" does not report study findings, but rather provides information on project development, with a focus on the collaboration among the researcher and practitioners, so as to inform future researcher-practitioner partnerships.
The issues discussed are the need for the study, its design, the development of the collaboration, and project implementation. The study has involved a collaboration among the researcher (Dr. Sullivan) and two practitioners, a family-violence victim advocate supervisor (Ms.Bellucci) and the Director of Administration of the Court Support Services Division (Offender Services) of the Connecticut Judicial Branch (Mr. Hill). Dr. Sullivan has had a longstanding relationship with each partner practitioner because of her involvement in the local community task force against domestic violence and her role as an administrator of State-contracted family violence services for offenders. The need for the current study and its central focus was framed by the practitioners, who were familiar with cases in which victims of domestic violence had adverse experiences related to the issuance of criminal protective orders against the offender. The proposed study was envisioned to inform practice and policy regarding the issuance of criminal protection orders by the judicial branch. The focus was on the development of evidence-based policies for the issuance of criminal protection orders, with attention to the experiences of domestic violence victims who had lived under varying provisions of such orders in Connecticut. The challenges of designing and implementing the research-practice collaborative project are discussed. 15 references
Date Published: February 1, 2017
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