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Criminal Statistics 1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
68 pages
A report of the Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics reports statistics on crimes and the courts for 1980.
In 1980 there were 75,065 convictions in common courts, up 8 percent from 1979. Fines increased by 30 percent. The recidivism rate was 47 percent for convicted offenders and 29 percent for fined individuals. Specific data is provided on types and duration of sentences, fines, probationary sentences, suspended sentences, and offender characteristics. Also given are data on military convictions, fines, and nonindictable offenses. Tables show statistics on offenses tried in district courts; fines by offense type, Province, municipality, and groups of municipalities; convictions and fines by population; and convictions according to crime type and offender characteristics. Graphs are included.


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