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Criminal Statistics 1992

NCJ Number
Date Published
140 pages
This 1992 collection publishes statistics on reported crime, investigated offenses, sentences, and inmates for Norway.
Based on data from the central Norwegian registration system, the first section is devoted to reported crime. It includes the overall number of crimes/misdemeanors and figures for each separate offense category. The second section on investigated crimes covers investigations which were completed in 1992 although the offense did not necessarily occur in the same year. The section includes overall figures; investigated cases according to location and crime categories; clearance rates; offender classifications according to age, gender, and nationality; and recidivism rates. The section on sanctions encompasses all sentences pronounced in 1992: community service, conditional or unconditional imprisonment, postponed sentences, fines, decisions not to prosecute, and transfer to a Children's Welfare Officer. The final section on prisons comprises new inmates, transfers, and discharges. Charts also give information on type and length of sentence as well as prisoners' age and gender. A list of previous statistical publications is appended.