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Criminal Victimization and Fear of Crime Among the Non-Institutionalized Elderly in the United States - A Critique of the Empirical Research Literature

NCJ Number
Victimology Volume: 10 Issue: 1-4 Dated: (1985) Pages: 397-408
S B Eve
Date Published
12 pages
The empirical research literature on criminal victimization and fear of crime among older adults is reviewed and critiqued.
While the literature indicates that older adults are generally less likely to be victimized than younger adults but more likely to be afraid of being victimized, a critical assessment of the literature suggests that these differences may be exaggerated by methodological flaws including not controlling for risk factors. Suggestions for improving the research methodology and theory of victimization studies are discussed. Finally, it is suggested that cross-cultural comparative studies are needed to identify societal determinants of victimization. (Author abstract)