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Criminality in Finland 1987

NCJ Number
Date Published
189 pages
This is the fourteenth in a series of annual reviews (1987) of crime and criminal justice in Finland.
Crimes against the criminal code were 43 percent of all known crimes, and traffic offenses were 49 percent. Property offenses accounted for 77 percent of the criminal offenses. Nine percent of the crimes were drunk driving offenses. Statistics on offense categories cover homicide, assault, robbery, theft, auto theft, embezzlement, fraud, property damage, drunk driving, other traffic offenses, offenses against labor protection laws, and tax crimes. Narcotics offenses are also reported. Other data address the number of persons prosecuted, the number sentenced, the number imprisoned, prison sentence length, and fines. Compared with other Nordic countries, crime in Finland is not very high. The high prisoner rate in Finland may be caused by the high crime clearance rate, the extensive use of unconditional prison sentences, and the long prison terms. 19 tables. (Author abstract modified)