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Criminality in the USSR

NCJ Number
EuroCriminology Volume: 3 Dated: (1990) Pages: 158-60
A Smirnov
Date Published
3 pages
This report presents statistics on the number of registered crimes committed in the USSR during 1988.
The number of crimes in the USSR in 1988 totaled 1,867,223, a 3.8 percent increase over the 1987 figure. An increase in the number of registered crimes had occurred in 59 Soviet autonomous republics. A 9.5 percent increase occurred in the number of registered crimes in the cities and housing estates of city type. This increase has been recorded in 70 regions and includes Moldavia and Kirghiz. Juveniles committed 183,953 crimes, and recidivists committed 302,802. A total of 362,096 crimes were committed by those under the influence of drugs. During 1988, 87,252 persons had been lost; 69,836 persons were found as a result of intensive searches by militia services. 1 table