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Crisis Intervention and Support - Working With the Police

NCJ Number
Social Casework Volume: 5 Issue: 67 Dated: (May 1986) Pages: 276-282
E Fein; S A Knaut
Date Published
13 pages
The Crisis Intervention Support Unit (CISU), within the Hartford Police Department (Connecticut) uses paraprofessionals and a coordinator to provide social work services (crisis and aftercare), particularly in domestic disputes. Workers are available at the department from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. and are on-call 24-hours a day.
In addition to riding with police officers, CISU staff developed a week-long training program on crisis intervention and officer safety. During the program, 63 percent of officers made referrals to the unit. Most referrals were related to domestic problems, although cases involving alcohol, children, and mental and emotional problems also were seen. Services provided to the 449 cases handled by the CISU included transportation, home and in-office visits, contacts with other agencies, and contacts with clients' significant others. Staff made 531 referrals in these cases. In 50 percent of cases, staff were able to provide assistance and resolve the problem that had instigated the police contact. In 37 percent, services were provided, but it was felt the problem could recur. 1 table and 7 notes.