This appendix to the Baseline Capabilities for State and Major Urban Area Fusion Centers identifies what state and major urban area fusion centers need in order to establish a critical infrastructure and key resources protection analytic capability that will support infrastructure and security activities at the state and local levels.
This document identifies the required capabilities that will allow state and major urban area fusion centers to establish a critical infrastructure and key resources (CIKR) protection analytic capability in support of infrastructure security activities; it provides guidance for fusion centers that have chosen to support Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) activities; it identifies the additional capabilities that fusion centers should achieve in order to effectively integrate CIKR activities into their analysis and information/intelligence sharing processes and how the centers should support risk-education efforts; it also provides the federal, state, local, and private sector officials responsible for protecting CIKR with an overview of the value in working with their local fusion center and how to better integrate CIP-related activities with the efforts of the fusion center. The document is divided into two sections: fusion process capabilities, and management and administrative capabilities. The fusion process capabilities section is subdivided as follows: planning and requirements development; information gathering/collection and recognition of indicators and warnings; processing and collation of information; intelligence analysis and production; intelligence/information dissemination; and reevaluation. The management and administrative capabilities section is subdivided as follows: management/governance; information privacy protections; security; personnel and training; information technology/communications infrastructure, systems, equipment, facility, and physical infrastructure; and funding.