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Dallas County (TX) Juvenile Department - Annual Report, 1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
36 pages
This 1980 annual report presents statistics on juvenile offenders, juvenile diversion, and services to juveniles, plus information on annual activities, for the Dallas County Juvenile Department (Texas).
A wide range of services are available to families and children in Dallas County. The detention center provides a secure and nurturing program for children pending court action. Letot Status Offender Center, for status offenders aged 10 to 16, has as its goal the reconciliation of runaways with their families. It also counsels truant children and supervises them to keep them in school and out of trouble. The department also conducts psychological evaluations and diagnosis for juveniles. The report presents statistics relating to delinquency referrals, including referral reasons per ethnic group, sex, totals, and established offenses, sources of delinquency referrals; residence locations of referred juveniles by years; and referral-disposition enumeration. Tables, charts, and photographs are included.