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Dangerous Women, Violent Men: A Socio-cultural Analysis of Wife-battering in Caipi, Ecuador

NCJ Number
Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning, Argang 31 Dated: (1990) Pages: 441-459
K A Stolen
Date Published
19 pages
Spouse abuse in Ecuador is discussed with respect to its social and cultural aspects.
"Native" descriptions and interpretations of marital violence, which link such violence to lack of fertility, male infidelity, and male jealousy, are analyzed in relation to dominant ideas of masculinity and femininity in mestizo societies (the machismo-marianismo syndrome) which is strongly influenced by Catholic "gender doctrines." The author argues that wife battering is a result of strong tensions between the cultural definition of masculinity, according to which men should be strong and dominant in relation to women, and their actual vulnerability in this relationship. The author concludes that the sociocultural approach used in this essay offers an important supplement to the client-oriented approach that characterizes studies of spouse abuse in Western societies. Notes and 27 references (Author abstract modified)


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