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DC (District of Columbia) Government: Alternate Sites for Federally Funded DC Correctional Facility

NCJ Number
Date Published
8 pages
This report describes the characteristics of four alternate sites for a proposed federally funded correctional treatment facility in the District of Columbia and identifies potential cost increases that should be considered in arriving at a decision to relocate from the present location.
Positive and negative aspects of each proposed site were identified in the review of sites' land area, access, utilities, availability of prospective employees, land use plans, community services and facilities, flood and emergency evacuation characteristics, and other site selection criteria. Overall, the brickyard and the South Capitol Street sites were characterized as most positive. Despite identified disadvantages at all sites, these can be overcome if enough time and money are available. If an alternate site is selected, cost increases can be expected to amount to $5.2 to $10.2 million (for items where estimates were practical) over current contract costs, depending on the site selected.


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