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Dealing With Dropouts: The Urban Superintendents' Call to Action

NCJ Number
S J Gruskin; M A Campbell
Date Published
75 pages
This booklet discusses the school dropout problem and presents an action plan to keep more youngsters in school until graduation and to make them more productive citizens.
Six strategies are recommended and illustrated in programs and policies. Early intervention with high-risk children should be offered in the form of preschool and early childhood programs and monitoring of children's academic and social progress. In addition, educators should create a positive school climate by hiring and training effective principals, providing personal attention and counseling, and through small classes and joint planning and decisionmaking. Schools also should set high expectations through attendance, academic, and discipline standards. Strong teachers should be developed and selected, and a broad range of instructional programs should be available, including alternative schools, compensatory education, work experience programs, and programs for non-English speaking students. Finally, collaborative efforts should be undertaken by schools, communities, and businesses. Approximately 160 references.