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Debt Free? Handbook on Inmates Debts

NCJ Number
L Rosendahl
Date Published
23 pages
This easy-to-read guidebook advises Swedish corrections officials on planning for inmates' post-release financial well-being by advising on ways for handling debts that have accrued during or before imprisonment.
The guidebook outlines ways inmates can deal with debts owed to both private persons or institutions and those owed to the government. The first step is to determine how much money is owed. Then the official should assist the inmate in contacting debtors to work out payment arrangements. The guidebook discusses several possible payment methods, including installment and delayed payments. Possibilities for getting a loan to pay off debts are reviewed. Various court costs and other fines exacted by the court are discussed; many of these costs have built-in caps or are reduced or eliminated after imprisonment.


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