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Decipherment of Opaqued Writing With Acetate-Assisted Photocopying

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Sciences Volume: 37 Issue: 6 Dated: (November 1992) Pages: 1684-1692
H W Curfman; D L Oleksow
Date Published
9 pages
This article describes the use of acetate-assisted photocopying as a simple, nondestructive, demonstrative, and speedy technique for deciphering handwriting obliterated by opaque materials.
The method involves placing two sheets of acetate on the indirect electrostatic copier glass platen and the positioning of the document on top of the acetate sheeting with the opaque alterations on top facing the operator. The white copier cover atop the assemblage on the glass is then closed, and the toner level is adjusted to full dark. A test-run copy on paper is then made to show a reverse imaging of all the original text. After making a transparency copy, the assemblage of materials is removed from the copier. The transparency is reversed on the photocopier glass while the toner level is set at normal to run a hard copy for record. Advantages of this method are that it can be conducted with inexpensive materials, the transparency can be used on a transparency projector for court demonstration, no photographic recording is necessary, and a full page of writing can be processed and recorded. The process is also swift and works on all ink, pencil, typewriting, and copy-generated writings tested. The process can also be used to enhance faint and erased writings. 7 figures and 3 references


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