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Delinquency Prevention Plan FY 2000-2001: Prevention and Victims Services

NCJ Number
Date Published
41 pages
This document is the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice's report on its plan for juvenile delinquency prevention for Fiscal Year 2000-2001
The document presents the juvenile delinquency prevention plans and priorities of the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) for fiscal year 2000-2001. Programmatic and budgetary information is presented. The DJJ further sets out three goals for the fiscal period. They are: 1) targeting DJJ delinquency prevention services towards identified high-risk youth, including targeting funding towards research-based services that provide services on a local level to such identified youth; 2) coordination of prevention efforts across agencies to prevent first offenses and the prevention of offenders achieving chronic offender status; and 3) increasing the effectiveness, efficiency, and accountability of delinquency prevention programs. Information on total juvenile population growth in Florida, delinquency trends, and juvenile crime reduction efforts in the previous decade is presented. The roles of local jurisdictions and programs in the implementation of the plan goals are discussed. Appendix data includes funding information for delinquency prevention and diversion programs. The information is presented by County. 7 tables, 4 appendices, 14 endnotes, glossary