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Delinquency Proneness as Related to Deprivation

NCJ Number
Indian Journal of Criminology Volume: 20 Issue: 2 Dated: (July 1992) Pages: 93-98
V Mohan; K Nalwa
Date Published
6 pages
This study of 100 male and female adolescents in India determined whether or not delinquency-proneness has any links with prolonged physical, psychological, and sociocultural deprivation.
The sample of 9th, 10th, and 11th graders was administered the Jesness Inventory to measure delinquency proneness and the Misra and Tripathi (1977) Prolonged Deprivation Scale. The Jesness Inventory consists of 155 items to which the subject answers "true" or "false." The items are scored on 10 subscales: social maladjustment, value orientation, autism, alienation, immaturity, manifest aggression, withdrawal, social anxiety, repression, and denial. The Prolonged Deprivation Scale contains 15 aspects of natural settings with special reference to life experiences in India. They are split into 96 items on a 5- point scale. The study found that there was a significantly positive relationship between deprivation and social maladjustment, immaturity, autism, alienation, value orientation, and withdrawal on the Jesness Scale. The study also showed there were no sex differences on the scores on Jesness Scale and the Deprivation Scale. These results are in accord with the results of previous research. Physical, psychological, and sociocultural deprivation apparently hinders the proper socialization of a child so that proper values are not learned and proper socialization is not achieved. 3 tables and 29 references