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Dental Aging for Egyptian and Other Middle Eastern Children

NCJ Number
Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal Volume: 22 Issue: 2 Dated: (June 1989) Pages: 127-134
A A El-Nofely
Date Published
8 pages
Both genetic and environmental factors influence the ages and rate of dental growth; however, it is generally accepted that ethnicity affects dental growth more dominantly than other growth criteria.

The Middle Eastern populations belong to the Mediterranean group of the primary Caucasoid races, yet marked infiltration of Mongoloid and Negroid elements took place at certain period of history. In addition, marked variations exist in the socioeconomic and other environmental conditions within the Middle Eastern populations. Comparative assessment of dates of emergence of both deciduous and permanent teeth of the Egyptian, Nubian, Iraqi, and Tunisi children has been attempted with respect to the available information concerning other ethnic groups. It has been concluded that there are biological, ecological, and methodological limitations that should be considered for the accurate estimation of age from dental growth in children. 5 tables, 1 figure, 23 references. (Publisher abstract)