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Department of Justice Internal Audit Operations - Hearings Before a House Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, March 24 and April 24, 1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
267 pages
Testimony before the House Subcommittee on Government Information and Individual Rights examines the Department of Justice's internal audit operations and the possible need for a statutorily created Office of Inspector General in the Department.
The testimony focuses particularly on the Department's recent reorganization of its administrative functions and the impact of this reorganization on the Department's internal audit capabilities. Also reviewed are the recent Department of Justice study of the need for an Office of Inspector General and the extent to which the recommendations outlined in the Committee on Government Operations' 1978 report on the Office of Professional Responsibility (an audit agency in the Justice Department) have been implemented. Testimony by the Assistant Attorney General for Administration discusses the Department's internal audit function and the recent reorganization in the conduct of evaluations. The result of the reorganization is indicated to be a stronger, more independent audit staff which can be viewed as the staff responsible for financial integrity, program efficiency and economy, and compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements. The members of the Subcommittee also put questions to the counsel of the Office of Professional Responsibility, the director of the Department's internal audit staff, and the Attorney Adviser for the Office for Improvements in the Administration of Justice. Relevant statements and data are appended.