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Description of Population Characteristics for the "Forever Free" Drug Treatment Program at the California Institution for Women, Frontera, California

NCJ Number
Date Published
13 pages
Information from the 131 female inmates who volunteered for a drug treatment program at the California Institution for Women at Frontera, California, formed the basis of an analysis of the participants' demographic characteristics, drug abuse, educational achievement, criminal history, and other variables.
The data were gathered from May through November 1991. Results revealed that the typical participant is a minority group member, from Los Angeles County, 32 years old, with two dependent children, and a user of heroin with a drug history of 15-20 years. The typical participant has also completed some high school; has a minimal or nonexistent employment history; and has 15-20 years of involvement with the criminal justice system, starting in the teen years. Preliminary psychological evaluation also indicates that these offenders have low self-esteem. Additional research reports will include process and outcome evaluations of the program.