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Developing a Practical Chemical Hygiene Plan

NCJ Number
Crime Laboratory Digest Volume: 19 Issue: 2 Dated: (April 1992) Pages: 27-33
R B Duncan; C Freedland; Allen R
Date Published
7 pages
This paper identifies the reasons for developing a formal chemical hygiene plan, as required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA's) new "Laboratory Standard," and the elements of the "Laboratory Standard" that need to be included in each laboratory's plan.
The law mandates that every laboratory be covered by an effective and comprehensive chemical hygiene plan. A chemical hygiene plan must include several basic elements: work practices and procedures to ensure that workers are protected, employee training and information, and monitoring of exposures to certain chemicals. A written chemical hygiene plan must be developed and made available to all laboratory workers. The assigned chemical hygiene officer must be qualified through training or experience to provide technical guidance in the development and implementation of the laboratory's chemical hygiene plan. Each individual laboratory should include in its chemical hygiene plan an evaluation of the physical and biological hazards in that particular laboratory and should have an appropriate method for controlling chemical exposures. Information which should be included in employee training is provided. 12 references and 1 appendix