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Developing Trends in Economic Crime in the Federal Republic of Germany

NCJ Number
Police Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Dated: (Fall 1985) Pages: 149-162
K Liebl
Date Published
14 pages
Although in Germany indications of economic crime have been evident at least for the last hundred years, an intensive scientific treatment of this field did not begin until very recently.
Since even in the 1970s there were no concrete data available, the Permanent Congress of Ministers and Senators of Justice (Standige Konferenz de Justizminister und-sentaoren), inspired by the 49th German Lawyers' Convention (Juristentag), concluded in 1974 that a 'Nationwide Uniform Registration of Economic Crime' (BWE) should be prepared by using the records of the public prosecutors. The author provides an overview of the general proceedings and the essential results of the BWE for the years from 1974 to 1983. The variables include, for example, the number of individual offenses, the number of victims and the amount of total damages. One of the findings says that the damages of known economic crime in the FRG exceed by now those caused by non-economic crime. (Publisher abstract)


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