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Development of Baton With Restraining Net, Final Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
7 pages
This report provides technical data on a baton with a restraining net.
The baton with a restraining net can be used to restrict the movements of a subject who is 2 to 7 feet away from the officer. It was invented and patented by Mr. Larry Fay, and is different from other similar ones in that it does not cover the suspect; it wraps around the individual and adheres to itself. The most effective net is an oblong with an overall size of 44 inches high and 58 inches long, made of Kevlar and with a square hole. One firm estimated that it could be manufactured for $3.50 each. The report includes the following technical specifications: (1) net projection and trajectory status; (2) catch configuration; (3) baton development status/plan; (4) mechanical stress analysis and reliability; (5) net design; (6) net dimensions; (7) path of the net; (8) field conditions; and (9) prototype development status/plan.


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