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Differential Use of Jail Confinement in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Yolo Counties, 1981

NCJ Number
J Austin; B Krisberg
Date Published
33 pages
This codebook explains the variables, coding system, and research methodology used to gather a set of data focusing on inmate characteristics, length of time in jail, methods of release, conditions of release, disciplinary violations, and types of program participation while in jail.
Data came from sentenced and unsentenced inmates of jails in three California counties, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Yolo. Sampling procedures varied by group and location. Each sampled group contained between 200 and 300 inmates. The data file contains variables for each inmate, including information about inmates' demographic characteristics, current offenses, prior records, confinement conditions, disciplinary problems, and nature and time of disposition. The sample includes a total of 2,103 cases. (Author abstract modified)


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