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Diphenylamine and Its Nitrated Derivatives: Presence and Occurrence in Gunpowders and In Gunshot Residues

NCJ Number
E O'Niel Espinoza
Date Published
140 pages
This research investigates the nitrated derivatives of diphenylamine (DPA) and evaluates the suitability of these derivatives as a test for gunshot residues.
The detection of gunshot residue on hand swabs has become a standard technique in forensic science to determine if an individual has recently fired a weapon. This is generally accomplished by detecting higher than background levels of Pb, Sb, and Ba, which originate from the primer material of the cartridge. It was found that the presence of DPA or its derivatives is definitive proof that an individual has recently fired a weapon, since these chemicals are clearly not ubiquitous in nature. However, data was insufficient to detect gunshot residues in all weapons fired in this study. From 14 shooting trials, only 8 detected DPA, one of the nitrated derivatives of DPA or ethyl centralite; successful recovery of DPA derivatives was observed, however, with calibers equal to or greater than .38. 17 figures, 27 tables, appendix, bibliography.


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