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Directory of Oral History Interviews Related to the Federal Courts

NCJ Number
A Champagne; C Harrison; A Land
Date Published
80 pages
This directory, compiled by the Federal Judicial Center, lists 900 oral history interviews with Federal judges and other persons involved in Federal litigation or associated with the Federal court system.
The interviews were compiled from a national survey of courts, libraries, and historical societies and from bibliographies of oral histories. The Directory contains interviews with 123 Federal district judges, 57 judges on Federal circuit courts of appeals, and 32 Supreme Court justices. While many of the interviews were designed as bibliographical tools to understand the life or career of a particular judge, others were undertaken with a central theme -- the history of a court or the judicial influence on the civil rights movement, for example. Each entry includes the name of the person interviewed, position held when interviewed, year of interview, institution holding the interview, person to contact, interviewer, length of transcript, scope notes or restrictions, and topics addressed.