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Discrimination of Parole Success Based on Completed Monthly Report Sheets

NCJ Number
JOURNAL OF FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Dated: (1981) Pages: 73-83
D H Canning; R J Howell
Date Published
11 pages
The study sought to ascertain to what extent a demographic-style life table and the variables collected on the parolee monthly report sheets could be used to analyze parole success and failure.
The group studied was made up of men paroled in 1975 from the Utah State Prison. The study led to three important conclusions. The demographic life table could be used to obtain a parolee's expected month of failure. The variables -percentage of filed reports, age, and custodial status -- could be used to discriminate parole success or failure with 93-percent accuracy. Finally, the other variables collected on the monthly report sheets, while related to parole success or failure, did not appreciably add to the variance accounted for by the first three variables. Study data, footnote, and eight references are included. (Author abstract modified)


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