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Dispute Resolution - Techniques and Applications - A Selected Bibliography

NCJ Number
E Mowbray, R Mills
Date Published
56 pages
This bibliography lists 119 citations, together with their abstracts, taken from the data base of the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). The information reflects the wide range of alternative dispute resolution applications and techniques currently in use.
Books, journal articles, pamphlets, and other documents are cited, most published since 1980. Mediation, arbitration, conciliation, negotiation, and a wide variety of dispute resolution innovations are included. The bibliography is divided into chapters, most of which represent an arena in which dispute resolution processes have been applied. Included are community, environmental matters, the family, the judicial system, juveniles, and labor. Sources examining legal issues and training and presenting directories of programs are also included. Within each chapter, entries are arranged in NCJRS number order. Title, author, and subject indexes are provided. Information about how to obtain the full text of the documents is also included.