NCJ Number
Date Published
September 2012
12 pages
This Issue Brief explains the importance of domestic violence agencies and shelters in addressing exposure to violence to ensure the well-being of children from birth to age 18.
This Issue Brief translates emerging research and program practices into action steps for providers to design and implement programs in domestic violence shelters and agencies. The goal is to build the capacity of domestic violence shelters and agencies to offer sensitive, timely, and appropriate interventions that enhance children's safety, promote their resilience, and ensure their well-being. Each Safe Start Issue Brief in the series explains the importance of addressing exposure to violence to ensure the well-being of children from birth to age 18 in all systems that interact with vulnerable children and families. Through the use of literature reviews, case scenarios, and analyses of data, the Issue Briefs translate lessons learned from research and program practices into actions that can effectively prevent or reduce the negative impact of exposure to violence.
Date Published: September 1, 2012
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