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Domestic Violence and Homelessness (From Police and the Homeless: Creating a Partnership Between Law Enforcement and Social Service Agencies in the Development of Effective Policies and Programs Homeless, P 118-130, 1997, Martin L. Forst, ed. - See NCJ-167769)

NCJ Number
M Ostrander
Date Published
13 pages
This chapter discusses the issue of domestic violence and how it relates to homeless women.
Domestic violence is defined as the intentional, repeated acts by an individual's intimate partner which cause physical, sexual, emotional and economic harm to the individual, usually in a predictive cycle. Battered women must overcome serious obstacles to changing their situation: fear of death at the hands of the batterer; finding a safe place to live; achieving financial independence; shame; denial and self-blame; insensitive police intervention; lack of laws that punish batterers for their actions; lack of child care; and lack of legal assistance. Recommendations to prevent homelessness of domestic violence survivors include: (1) community zero-tolerance policies, including improved laws and harsher penalties for battering, stalking and harassment; (2) access to financial assistance; (3) increased job training and educational programs for women; (4) subsidized child care; and (5) more emergency safe shelters, transitional living centers and affordable permanent housing options. Notes