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Domestic Violence in the Indian Setting

NCJ Number
Indian Journal of Criminology Volume: 19 Issue: 2 Dated: (July 1991) Pages: 92-96
S M Diaz
Date Published
5 pages
Although Indian society and cultural have done much to advance equal treatment for women, a number of practices remain that result in the abuse and death of women and girls.
The dowry tradition which persists in India despite strong opposition to it often results in wife abuse. Under the dowry tradition, the wife and her family are expected to present valuables to the groom and his family. This often results in exploitation and harassment of the wife as well as her family. In a number of cases, wives have been killed by husbands after the dowry has been received, so the husband and his family are free to pursue another woman for a lucrative dowry. The practice of Sati also continues in some parts of India. Under this tradition, a widow burns herself to death shortly after her husband dies. This ritual is believed to be based in a warrior tradition whereby widowed women burned themselves to avoid being victimized by conquering hordes. Female infanticides, abortions, and the abuse of young girls by the family also often results from the preference for male children in Indian society. What is needed to deal with these abuses is a uniform civil code throughout India that exerts pressure to change these abusive behaviors. Women must also be educated to reject the traditions and practices that result in their abuse. 6-item bibliography


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