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Domestic Violence Report, 1991

NCJ Number
Date Published
15 pages
Data collected through the New Jersey State Police Uniform Crime Reporting Unit regarding domestic violence were tabulated for 1991 and compared to previous years.
In New Jersey, there were 55,698 domestic violence offenses reported by police in 1991, an increase of over 10 percent from 1990. Murders occurred in 7 percent of the incidents and assaults in 62 percent. The total number of arrests increased by 12 percent over 1990; arrests were made in 34 percent of the incidents. Most domestic violence incidents occurred on Sunday and between 8:00 p.m. and midnight. Children were involved or present during 53 percent of all domestic violence offenses. Overall, females were victims in 85 percent of the incidents reported here, while persons over age 60 were victims in 3 percent. Alcohol and drugs were involved in 44 percent of the offenses. The number of domestic violence complaints that had prior court orders issued against the offender increased by 13 percent over the previous year.