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Domestic Violence: A Training Curriculum for Law Enforcement Officers in the State of Florida

NCJ Number
Date Published
280 pages
Domestic violence training curriculum for law enforcement officers is provided.
This kit, designed as an instructor's guide, includes diskettes and slides as aids in providing detailed training to law enforcement officers. Divided into modules, each module includes a lesson plan containing a statement of purpose or a learning goal for the module; a list of the instructional objectives for the module; an outline of the module in question format; a list of the transparencies used in the module; and the instructional notes and outline. The lesson outline section contains the information to be communicated to the officer. This information is found on the transparency masters at the end of each module. The diskettes at the end of the manual contain the files for the transparencies in both IBM and Macintosh formats. The appendix contains all Florida statutes which apply to the subject matter in the modules; a copy of a domestic violence brochure; copies of blank forms for different types of injunctions; and information on how to do simulations or role-playing exercises to develop interpersonal skills.


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