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Drinking by University Dormitory Residents: Its Prediction and Amelioration

NCJ Number
Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education Volume: 36 Issue: 3 Dated: (Spring 1991) Pages: 75-86
M Schall; A Kemeny; I Maltzmen
Date Published
12 pages
The study reports on the use of alcohol and illicit drugs in the dormitories of a large metropolitan university and examines the effects of an intensive alcohol awareness program conducted by peer counselors mounted during the course of the year in one of the dormitories.
Approximately 200 students were randomly selected in two university dormitories to participate in an alcohol and drug use survey early in the fall quarter. Just before the end of the spring quarter, 130 of them were readministered the questionnaire and the results compared. During the year, university policy designed to moderate drinking was in effect in both dormitories with a peer counselor alcohol awareness program was conducted in one of the dorms. Alcohol consumption showed no significant difference between fall and spring and the peer program did not make a discernible difference in reported alcohol use nor the negative consequences stemming from alcohol use. The university drinking policy also did not result in lower drinking statistics. The article concludes that the best predictor of the amount of alcohol consumed at the end of the school year was the amount consumed at the start of the year. Suggestions are made as to future programs to modify drinking in college students. 1 footnote, 3 tables, and 12 references (Author abstract modified)