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Drug Testing

NCJ Number
A Klauke; M Hadderman
Date Published
3 pages
Drug testing in schools of students and staff is discussed in relation to legal and moral issues as well as drug preventive measures.
In the industrial countries, drug use among teenagers is highest in the United States. Sixty-one percent have tried drugs, and 20 percent have serious drinking problems. School administrators are pressured to adopt measures to safeguard the physical, emotional, and mental health of students. Court cases are cited to show that drug testing raises legal issues that pertain to the fourth amendment which offers protection from unreasonable search and seizure, and the fourteenth amendment which holds a person innocent until proven guilty. Planning of a fair and economical drug testing policy should include extensive involvement of parents, community, school board, teachers, staff, and students in order to prevent future court cases. Prescreening, and individualized testing if necessary, by a reliable medical laboratory is the recommended approach. An effective policy will maintain a positive student self-image and include preventive and ameliorative measures. 9 references


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