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Drug Use: Criminal, Sick or Cultural?

NCJ Number
K P Satinder
Date Published
215 pages
This analysis of drug abuse and drug use in the United States and Canada focuses on the biological, psychological, sociocultural, and economic aspects and concludes that the only effective method of minimizing the personal and social costs of drug abuse and providing justice for both individuals and society is through drug abuse prevention and education.
The nature and prevalence of drug abuse and the intended role of the social institutions of law, medicine, religion, and education are analyzed. The role of the immediate environment is also examined, with emphasis on family relations, the influence of peer groups, and the influence of the school setting. The role of society is also considered, including affluence, cultural stress, alienation, and prevailing public attitudes. The analysis concludes that the suppression of drug supply is not and cannot be an effective method of reducing drug abuse and its costs. Therefore, reduction of demand through education should be emphasized. Chapter reference notes and index (Publisher summary modified)