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Drugs of Abuse, 1997 Edition

NCJ Number
Date Published
58 pages
This document explains drug regulation under the Federal Controlled Substances Act and other drug laws and details the nature, effects, manufacture and production, sources, and other characteristics of specific illicit drugs.
The discussion notes that penalties for unlawful manufacturing, distribution, and dispensing of controlled drugs relate to the schedule of the drug or other substance and sometimes are specified by the drug name, as in the case of marijuana. In addition, user accountability under the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 hold drug abusers personally responsible for their illegal activities and impose civil penalties on persons who violate drug laws. The sections on narcotics describe the characteristics of narcotics of natural origin, semi-synthetic narcotics, and synthetic narcotics; depressants such as barbiturates and benzodiazepines; stimulants such as cocaine and amphetamines; and hallucinogens such as peyote and phencyclidine. Additional sections focus on cannabis, including marijuana, hash, and hashish oil and on steroids. Further sections discuss clandestine laboratories, inhalants, and drug abuse and AIDS. Photographs, figures, and lists of State drug abuse prevention and treatment coordinators, Drug Enforcement Administration Division Offices, National Guard Counterdrug Coordinators, and Demand Reduction administrators


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