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Off-Duty Arrests: Restrictions and Responsibilities

NCJ Number
Date Published
6 pages
This article provides guidelines designed to reduce the exposure of off-duty police officers to both physical risk and legal liability.
Police officers should receive training about legal jurisdictions at State and local levels and procedural and tactical skills. Some States allow arrests only for serious felonies or misdemeanors that have been committed in the officer's presence or when there is an immediate need to prevent a crime. In all instances of true emergency, where a crime is being committed or lives and property are endangered, proper police action requires that an off-duty officer notify local police authorities as soon as possible. Other precautions include police identification for the off-duty arrest officer and off-duty weapons. Off-duty employment may pose a direct or potential conflict of interest with the officers' primary law enforcement responsibilities and duties. To better control off-duty employment and to provide greater assurance that officers will not be misused or subjected to unnecessary risks, some law enforcement agencies utilize off-duty employment approval agreements. A sample of such a form is provided.


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